Hard Knocks MBA by David W. Miller II
Author:David W. Miller II [Miller II, David W.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Business/Non-Fiction
Publisher: Total Publishing
To summarize Chapter 13, I would say be ready for external change because it will come. When it does, try not to freak out, but take advantage of it while your competitors freak out. There is always a way to take lemons and make lemonade. The first one to do that usually wins. Work to be that one. Also work to keep internal change to a minimum. Try to provide consistent, steady leadership that gives the employees confidence and security. One of my biggest mistakes at Trinity was constantly trying new things, new procedures, new policies, etc. in an effort to improve. This left employees with âchange whiplashâ short term and hurt morale and productivity over the long term. I meant well, but I hurt the business overall by creating more internal change than necessary. Employees need stability.
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